
At the beginning of the pandemic and the lockdowns, there were many different feelings in the air. Some people were very afraid of the virus and/or sitting at home alone. For others, it was the best time of their lives because everything slowed down and they needed that for their stressful daily lives. So these forms form a representative feeling in which they hung in the air at times of the corona. Made in cyanotype chosen with a research on the color blue. Blue is the most unnatural and the last found color in the world. But for us now, one of the most natural color with reference of the sea and the sky. This (un-)natural background
of this color as well as the inclusion with the environment was key for the decision making it with cyanotype. 

“Hanging Feelings”, Cyanotypie auf Stoff, Metallstangen, 100 x 130 cm

“Ich fühl mich stehen gelassen”, Cyanotypie auf Papier, kaschiert auf Holz, verschiedene Größen